Can I buy the car at the end of the lease?

Lease extension, potential purchase, or return

At the end of the lease one of three things can happen - you request to extend your lease, you request an offer to purchase, or you return the car.


Why can I not get the right to buy the car at the end of the lease?

Granting the customer the right to buy the car at the end of the lease would be considered as a consumer credit which has other rules and requirements than leasing, according to the Federal Law on Consumer Credits (FLCC; in German: KKG). Gowago does not offer such a product on its platform, as customers are signing leasing agreements.


Why do other providers offer their customers to buy the car at the end of the lease?

In Switzerland, if customers are signing a leasing agreement, it is possible to request an offer to purchase the car at the end of the lease, which however doesn’t grant the right to buy (for reasons explained above). Customers must be be careful that they are not signing a Consumer Credit agreement, which operates differently than a Leasing agreement. Some garages may provide a waiver of rights to sell the car to customers at the residual value price, however this is subject to the condition that they buy the car at the end of the lease from the bank, which is an obligation, but not a right. Therefore, such a waiver is considered as an intention, but not a right.


Is a Swiss leasing different from other Leasing in Europe?

In France, Germany and Austria, as well as in other European countries, there are some financial products also called leasing that allow customers to have a purchase option right. However, these countries have different legislation and do not follow the Federal Law on Consumer Credits (FLCC; in German: KKG) and thus cannot be used as reference.


Is it possible to get a letter of intention from Gowago to buy the car for the residual value at the end of the lease?

At Gowago, we are granting you the right to request an offer to purchase the vehicle at the end of the leasing. If you wish to receive a letter that states this in writing, simply ask your Gowago Advisor and they will provide it to you.

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