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Cancelling an All-in-one contract

How do I cancel an All-in-one package?

In order to cancel an active All-in-one contract please send a request to all-in-one@gowago.ch.

A contract termination can be requested to take place at the end of the current month, or one month in advance.

Early cancellation costs

gowago.ch does not apply penalty fees for the early termination of an All-in-one contract, but there may be open costs that need to be paid.

Depending on the All-in-one package, some inclusions may have been prepaid by gowago.ch – such as tyres, warranty extension, services, etc. The cost of those inclusions is usually spread across the original All-in-one contract period.

By cancelling early, there may be inclusions used with costs that have not been paid fully. gowago.ch will provide an invoice to be paid for the open costs that have not yet been covered by the monthly rate.

Things to consider

Cars in Switzerland that are being leased must have an adequate full-casco insurance policy throughout the leasing contract.

Because the insurance policy from Baloise that is included in every All-in-one package will end when the All-in-one contract is terminated, a replacement insurance policy must be in place when the All-in-one contract ends.