Leasing Extension

What is a leasing extension or contract continuation?

When nearing the end of a leasing contract, the customer will have multiple options of how to proceed. One way to keep driving the car is to enter another leasing contract on the same car. This is called a lease extension.

When opting for a extension, the terms for the new contract will be different from the previous one. The leasing parameters (lease duration, kilometre allowance) will be newly negotiated - this is the right moment to make adaptions in case the customer felt restricted by the previous kilometre allowance.

Since the car depreciated to the residual value during the previous lease, a new residual value will also be determined. Hence, the monthly leasing rate will ultimately differ from the previous one.

A lease extension is a good option to choose if the customer was happy with their car before, but does not want to purchase it outright after the lease for whatever reason.